Monday, October 20, 2014

Crystal classes

My friend and co- worker is holding crystal classes - see below

Crystals & The New Moon in Sagittarius
The best is yet to come!

Come together with other crystal lovers to learn more about these gifts from nature and participate in a lovely New Moon ritual. Let's utilize the timing of this gathering to explore how to use crystal energy and the new moon cycle to move into the new beginning/reawakening you are being called to with more optimism and hope. This cycle is a time for YOU to focus on you. With that said bring a crystal that only you will use for and on you personally over the next few weeks. By popular demand there will be crystals and crystal books available to purchase and take home with you too!

Led by Michelle Woodward, CPCC Life Coach & Energy Medicine Practitioner who loves sharing the properties and many uses of crystals and rocks to assist in our evolution.

Saturday, November 22, 2014 ~ 4-630pm
$35 per person Register online at or call 707.803.1967
At Higher Wellness ~ 2025 112th Avenue NE, Suite 301, Bellevue

Crystals & The Full Moon in Gemini
Time to shake up your perceptions!

Join me and other crystal lovers to learn more about these gifts from nature and participate in a lovely Full Moon ritual. The timing of this gathering is perfect to explore how to use crystal energy to get your emotions and thoughts off of auto pilot and back into an intentional flow. It will make the difference in your experience of the holidays!

Bring a crystal as this is a great time to cleanse and recharge (those crystals you use for and on others especially). Also come to class clear on what you are ready to release that no longer serves you - what you are ready to be free from. Please bring this written down.

We will have crystals and crystal books available to purchase and take home with you too!

Led by Michelle Woodward, CPCC Life Coach & Energy Medicine Practitioner who loves sharing the properties and many uses of crystals and rocks to assist in our evolution.

Saturday, December 6, 2014 ~ 4-630pm
$35 per person Register at or call 707.803.1967

At Higher Wellness ~ 2025 112th Avenue NE, Suite 301, Bellevue

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